My online learning experience
Nowadays we are having a lot of problems due to Covid-19. so, we are not able to attend our school. All the schools are closed. So, we are having an online class through the Zoom application. To be honest, this is my first online class. I really enjoyed the online class. Online classes are the course conducted over the internet. In online class students can view their course syllabus and academic progress, as well as communicate with friends and their course instructor. It has been useful to us by having online classes like we are able to complete our syllabus. We are improving our technical skills. It is also cost-effective and we are being familiar with technologies. We can study anytime, anywhere in our own place. There is no such thing as the first bencher last bencher every one is in the first place. If we want to take online courses in the morning we can take in the morning if in the evening we can take in the evening. Everyone can take classes in a comfo...